always keeping you connected.
Network Infrastructure
always keeping you connected.
Voice & Data Cabling
always keeping you connected.
Fiber Optic
always keeping you connected.
Voice Over Internet Protocol
A business Solution Phone Service
always keeping you connected.
Control Access System
always keeping you connected.
VoIP Phones
Financing Available
At Digital Line we are always looking at ways to help our clients, we offer in house or outsource financing.
We now accept Mastercard and Visa.
Please speak to a Sales Representative.
Some conditions may apply.
Whatever the business that you specialize in, Digital Line is there for you.
VoIP Phone Systems
Business Benefits of a VoIP Phone System
VoIP technology allows users to make and receive calls using an internet connection rather than a conventional phone system. These systems offer a number of benefits to businesses, including:
- Lower costs than traditional phone systems
- Increased portability
- Increased flexibility
Business Communications Solutions
Communications Systems
Business Network Infrastructure
Access Card Reading System Set Up
Access control manages who goes where and when because each employee has unique credentials. Software and control panels will control entrances as well as times and rules of entry or exit. When an employee leaves the business, his or her card can be easily deactivated. You no longer have to rely on the individual to turn in their key before leaving. All of this helps to secure your business, protecting not only your equipment, but also your employees.
- Access control systems:
- Provide safety for staff and visitors
- Reduce losses of sensitive assets through limited access and record information useful in event of investigation.
- Keep unauthorized individuals out of the building or specific areas of the building
- Are difficult to duplicate, unlike physical keys
- Provide a log of activities to use during investigations in the event of theft or other wrongdoing